Secondary DNS Services and Backup DNS Services. With servers located in the USA, UK, Europe and Australia you have a global and complete fault-tolerant solution. No limit on DNS records.
Visit the Order Form to browse the Products and Services we offer. Existing customers can also purchase optional extras and addons here. Already registered with us? If so, click the button below to login to our client area from where you can manage your account. Start your web hosting experience with us by entering the domain name you want to register, transfer or simply purchase hosting for below. Bramingham Business Centre, Enterprise Way, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU3 4BU.
MS Exchange SmartHost - setup outMail as a Mail Relay using SMTP Authentication. Service that supports MS Exchange SmartHost. Why do I need this service. Your ISP prevents you from sending emails using your own domain name. Exchange server has no reversed DNS or has dynamic IP thus results in outbound messages being rejected. Looking for a safe and secure Smart Host for your Mail Exchanger. Start sending emails instantly after signing up. Send emails from any address.
Service that supports outbound smtp and outbound mail service. Why do I need this service. Your ISP prevents you from sending emails using your own domain name. Your ISP prevents you from sending emails using thier servers when your not connected to their network. You have a dynamic IP thus results in outbound messages being rejected. The block of IP addresses you have been assigned from your ISP has been blacklisted.
OutMail - SMTP SmartHost and Mail Relay. OutMail is a secure and safe SMTP SmartHost and Mail Relay service allowing you to send emails from any SMTP aware mail client, server and mobile device. outMail is a Authenticated SMTP service. Works with Windows, Mac, iPhone, Android and Smartphones. Fully Managed service with reporting and graphs. No More SMTP 550 Errors. Joomla Design, Templates and Consultancy.
Tired of having to change your email settings when you are remote working? OutMail by prolateral is a secure SMTP relay enabling you to send emails where ever you are without having to change your settings. You can send messages from your own domain name, use any email client such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, iPhone, Windows Mobile, etc, or even webmail. SMTP Ports 25 and 587 fully supported. Outbound emails are tagged with a message saying they have been sent from outMail.
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This system enables our customers to quickly get answers and raise issues. Promenta are committed to providing all the help and support our customers need. Emember my login on this computer.
Pricing and distribution conditions may apply in specific countries. Please check with your local Promethean representative for details on ActivInspire in your region. Pricing and distribution conditions may apply in specific countries. Please check with your local Promethean representative for details.
Call technical support today! Welcome to ProMiles Support! Our new Online Support Forum. Is currently under construction, so please be sure to call our support department if you have a support issue .
Sign in to PROMISE Support Center. PROMISE provides this interface as a simple way to communicate electronically with technical support 24 hours a day. From here you can register your PROMISE branded gear, Open support tickets and even get authorization to replace failed components. For the fastest service register your product in advance, before there is a problem. Registration ensures PROMISE has the details about your installation and warranty status. Register yourself as a user.